
Never happier than hitting
the fall line down a steep couloir.

James Hancock

Mr James Hancock

B.SC. Health Naturopathy, Fellow ANTA

As a biochemist I was a skeptic of Natural Therapies. After developing a chronic inflammatory disease and undergoing symptomatic medical treatment, I was challenged to delve deeper and open my mind and experience to the curative potential of integrative Natural Medicine and its richer understanding of the levels of Human health.

Special interests

Natural fertility and Inflammatory bowel disease.


You can’t change your chronological age.
But you can optimize your biological age & potential.
I enjoy going backwards skipping and laughing!

Anna Boetto

Anna Boetto

M. App Sc. CHM (Dist), M. App Sc. CM Acu (Dist), B.HSc.
Chinese Medicine, Acupuncture, Functional Medicine (Naturopathy)

Qualifications and Training

Master of Applied Science (Acupuncture) with Distinction
Master of Applied Science (Chinese Herbal Medicine) with Distinction
Bachelor of Health Science (Functional Medicine / Naturopathy)
Clinical Practice - China Nanjing International Training Centre - Nanjing Provincial University and Qinhuai Hospitals, Nanjing China.
Professional Post-Graduate Advanced Training - Classical Chinese Medicine.


Anna Boetto is a highly qualified and experienced, registered (AHPRA) healthcare practitioner, practicing Naturopathy, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. With over a decade of expertise, she holds dual Master of Applied Science degrees in both Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture from RMIT University, alongside a Bachelor of Health Science degree with a focus on functional medicine.

Anna brings a unique blend of traditional and evidence-based approaches to her practice integrating Naturopathy, Chinese and Western Herbal Medicine, Functional Pathology Testing, Acupuncture, Nutritional Medicine and lifestyle guidance to support a wide range of health issues.

Once a thorough health assessment is conducted, Anna combines this knowledge to deliver holistic, patient-centred care, providing access to natural options for improving health, wellbeing, and preventing disease. Her dedication is to offer these choices with an integrative approach, to provide the highest level of care.

Anna continually advances her expertise through ongoing post-graduate studies to ensure she stays at the forefront of healthcare innovation and research. With a focus on women's health, gynaecology, fertility, and IVF support, musculoskeletal pain management, neurological disorders, and mental health, particularly stress and anxiety, comprehensive solutions are designed to provide the highest level of care and optimise health.

Anna offers consultations every Tuesday and Thursday.

Special Interests:

To book online click here.

To know more about Dr. Anna Boetto, visit Vital Qi, or to book directly, visit


Margaret Boyd-Squires

BHSc.-Naturopathy, DipAppSc -Naturopathy, CertRelaxationMassage. Member ATMS since 1995


"First and foremost Margaret believes in disease prevention.”

Margaret is a Naturopath with over 25 years experience. Her specialty is detox and gut imbalance which is often at the core of many symptoms. She believes in reducing inflammation as it is a driver of many diseases, and she recently published a book on this topic. Weight loss, immune, hormonal and adrenal imbalances and problems with skin, tiredness and lymphatic congestion are things she frequently and successfully treats. She uses a combination of diet, herbal medicine and nutrients. Her lymphatic drainage is renowned for aiding the removal of toxins from the body and she also offers ear candling.

Margaret uses screening tools to help recognise how different signs and symptoms may relate to your health status. This screening is an optional tool often carried out at the initial appointment and at any time during the treatment. It allows you to see the positive effects that your diet, lifestyle and supplemental program are having on your health. Through this screening Margaret may be able to develop more effective health strategies tailor-made for you.

Functional pathology tests will be undertaken where necessary including food intolerance testing, genetic testing, heavy metal testing, adrenal, thyroid and hormonal function tests, and microbiome testing. Patients are also encouraged to bring along any medical test results that they already have.

Margaret has a loyal following of patients, many of whom have been consulting with her for many years.

Margaret's Website



I presented to Margaret in July 2015 with many ailments but the biggest being my severe Crohn’s Disease. After 4 months of seeing her I have felt better than I have in years. She has educated me about food and its properties and helped me get on top of my Crohn’s by really thinking about what I am putting into my body. Last week (November 2015) I was given the fantastic news by my Gastroenterologist that I am in clinical remission for the very first time in almost 4 years!! Margaret’s role in this has been pivotal and I cannot thank her enough for what she has done for me. I highly recommend Margaret and her services.

Bianca Dowell.